Monday, February 9, 2009

My Superpower

Well, once again the stomach bug has arrived at my home. No, it can't stay away it any longer than 2-3 weeks...just enough time for us to be out and about and feeling free again, until...boom! There he is again. Sigh. Well, I am thankful for medicine, and insurance, and nurses on call, and Popsicles, a washer, dryer, dishwasher, and most of all a helping husband! I would totally drown in the stuff that is coming out both ends if it weren't for him. He totally gets me. He totally gets that I need help. Sigh. Thank you Lord.

Tonite in the midst of a crying baby with a high fever, a antsy sibling who thinks her sick brother is getting more love b/c of the gazillion Popsicles, and waiting anxiously for the nurse to call back; I told my husband "you know if I could have a superpower it would be to have an "x-ray germ detector!" That's right, I would spot out the people who are so "kind"(loose translation) to carry their sickness to places that they are only going to be for an hour or so.

Let me break down the logic they may be thinking, ahem:

The grocery store: I'll just be 5 minutes, I only need bread and milk
(My x-ray vision drag that junk in with you just by breathing out your nose, mouth, and hands...)

Gymnastics: The class is only an hour or so, little Sally seemed fine this morning, and didn't have to leave school early, so she is not sick...only to throw up all night long and contract pink eye.
(My x-ray translation says...if they look like they are going to fall out any minute and don't want to participate, chances are, they are sick!)

Church: We will only be there for 2 hours, what can it hurt?
(my translation...STAY HOME! If little Jr. has a lime green runny nose, and cough...chances are, he has something)

Excuse my cynicism, I am just tired of spending what we are working so hard to save on medicine and doctor visits all because someone doesn't want to take time out of their lives to stay home with their sick child. I understand that alot of people have to work, but the day cares and schools don't need to have an outbreak, so use that vacation time or sick leave. Please I am begging you (well, really I am the only one who reads this, so I guess I am speaking to the choir on this) stay home and nurture those sick little ducklings that have been entrusted to you (us?).

There is plenty of time to make those trips to Wal-mart and the bible study. God understands this season of life. He totally gets it and will make a way for that lost paycheck to be made up. So, stay home and catch up on some rest and nurture everyone back to health...the world will still be rotating on its won't slip.

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