Friday, March 27, 2009

What Satifies?

I have always wondered why it is so hard for Christians to live the life of joy, peace, patience, etc...than those who deny Christ, but yet will put all of their faith and trust in another god or religion, one that is not the truth... but still appear to have a more blissful life.

It is quite amusing to me how so many can be in pursuit of happiness and find it through healthy food, exercise, vacation, their life's work, etc. Hm mm...I spend most of my days face down on the floor crying to the Lord "what do I do next?" "what am I dong wrong?" Lord, when am I going to get it?" I can be surrounded by God's glory and yet see the grayness of what is going on around me. Is that trust? Nope. Do I stick a praise in the beginning of my prayer? Hardly. But David didn't always either, and if he was a man after God's own heart, then I am going to allow a little grace, he he.

Then how on earth do people who believe in karma, zen, wollybooger whatever, seem to "be at one" with who they are? When I have known the truth for a long time, and truthfully see my sin and my scars and wonder "Lord when will it heal? I then remember that this is not the world that I am supposed to settle for.

Galatians 1: 3-5. ( I won't post it all here) Grace and peace only come from him. Whatever it is that others have is complete blindness, and will only work for a while. I have tried addiction after addiction to fill the need for a Savior...and quite frankly, I am tired. I have decided to follow Jesus instead no matter how crazy it may be to others, because those others don't try to help me or save me. They don't provide peace for me...because they are too busy looking for it themselves.

Is it b/c I am trying to hard and missing the heart of worship? Is it because I am living a life of truly denying myself and doing what the Lord has called me to do so it is a daily walk with giving up selfishness of my own will and following the plan he has laid out?

Acts 20:24 says "But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned to me by the Lord Jesus- the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God" (NLT)

My life may not seem as blissfully full as though who don't miss a workout or a trip to the Yucatan in search of meaning of life, but I know that if all is stripped away I can still say that there is Good News to be told. There is a God out there who cares more about the wholeness of my heart than me eating everything organic.

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