Thursday, January 8, 2009

Cart Before the Horse

I am a little sore today, but for some odd reason it feels good. I guess it is the feeling of small success, and that feels so much better than failure, don't ya think?? Last night before going to bed I asked Donnie "can you tell if I look different?" I thought it was a reasonable question, but he looked at me kind of funny and smiled. When he realized that I was serious he said " yeah, you do look smaller." Yeah, right! I said "don't lie, if you can't tell, you can't tell. But don't just say what you think I want to hear." Then he sheepishly said "well, I just thought it was a little early in the game to tell. It's only been a few days."

How true is this that I do this to myself with everything in my life. 4 days on the treadmill, no cokes or desserts and I think I deserve a cover on a magazine...well, I won't go that about being able to put on my favorite jeans, that is more realistic :)

Seriously, I get the cart before the horse on everything, and I mean everything. I have a real problem with being still ( maybe a result of all the caffeine??) and just waiting on God. I want to know Who, What, When, Why, How...and NOW! I don't want to wait for the morning edition of something I want God's VIP pass to know it all. I have probably missed so much peace from being to antsy. I want this, I want to do that. Why can't I just chill and be happy with what I am doing?

I'll tell you why: because I am nosy and controlling. There I said it, ahhh...I can breathe. I am not trusting God with taking care of business, and I want to know what is happening just in case he doesn't come through the way I was expecting and I can prepare myself to take care of the situation or guard my heart. If I would spend less time fretting over what is to come and more time on God's promises, I think my peace would have come like a river. Isaiah 48:17-18

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