Monday, September 10, 2007

Old Habits Die Hard

Man, it's Monday and I am feeling it. I know that everyday is a blessing, but something about Mondays make me want to run back to the comforts of my bad habits. Too much crying, oatmeal--again, messy house (how did this happen, I jsut cleaned it??) and much more to be done. I want to crawl back into bed and veg out in front of the tv, but unfortunatley life still happens whether I want to or not. I really need the grace today to not jump back to old ways. It will help for the moment, but I know the reprocussions later. Why do Monday's always bring the same nuscuances and I haven't yet figured out how to change them??

I am glad that there is Lamentations to point out that the Lord's mercies are new every day...I really need it.

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