Saturday, September 15, 2007

Being thankful for where I am

I have been thinking the last few days about how thankful I am and where I am in my life. I never dreamed in a million years where God would have placed me. I don't really know where I thought I would be, but I guess I am surpirsed at how happy I am to "just" be a wife and mother. I don't think that I have ever aspired in my heart to be a career woman, I always knew that I wanted to be a mommy, and here I am. It has it's ups and downs, and there are days that I wonder what life would be like letting someone else change my children's diapers, etc.. but then I would miss the peace and joy that has filled my heart. We all have things in our lives that we wished we hadn't done, me being extremely regretful, but it always amazes me how God has still given me the desires of my heart even though I should be somewhere other than I am. He truly has brought gladness out of sadness, joy out of anger. I may seem to be missing life on the outside of my home, but this is where my heart is, and I enjoy it no matter how many p B & J's I make or messes I have to clean up. Sure my house always looks as if a busload of kids came here for a field trip every day and forgot to clean up, but his is where I am.

Jesus gave up his royalty to come to earth to be a servant to us. No questions or obligations, all he asks is that we take up our cross daily, die to self and let him guide us through. It is very difficult at times to let him have control, but when I do life is as sweet as a honeycomb no matter what the situation.

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