Saturday, September 13, 2008

I am having one of those days to where I feel like I have a million and one things to do, and none of it is going to get done the way I have it all planned out in my mind. Of course I am always battling making a grocery list, menu, budget, house cleaning list, school planning, laundry, etc. Of course I have it in my mind how I want it to turn out, but I feel like I am always falling short or just "getting by". I hate that feeling. I like to be prepared and organized. I like t know what is going to happen next, so I won't be running around wasting time looking for something. Well, when I do believe that the Lord doesn't want me to be unorganized, I don't think he intended me to have unrealistic expectations. I wish I could sit back and take one day at a time, but I want to be prepared for the next day. Maybe my need for this is because I want to count my cost of everything and not come up short. I don't want my kids to be shorted on something so no one can say "I told you so." Whether it is from my lack of being unprepared growing up (I never had my homework ready to turn in), or it is the Lord prompting me to be prepared, I wish I could relax and enjoy my time with my family. I think I am very fearful of being accused of being less than what I am. I am afraid to be called a failure.

But I know that God has not called me a failure, nor to be perfect.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear; but of power,and of love, and of soul and mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

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